Faith First
As our mission states, we are dedicated to making sure students will be successful in academic pursuits, spiritual development, and service to the community. We allow students the opportunity to pray throughout the day. In addition, there are opportunities to pray and participate in the sacraments as a community.
Morning Prayer
Each morning that is not a mass day, we meet together as a school to start the day with prayer. This is a great opportunity for students to reflect on the readings for the day and discuss how scripture applies to our daily lives.
Weekly Mass
Every Tuesday we have student-led mass. Each grade, 2nd – 8th gets the opportunity to lead the mass by reading, altar serving, ushering and bringing up the gifts. Students rotate through these opportunities so that everyone gets a chance to participate.
As a school, students go to reconciliation during Advent and Lent. Students are encouraged to participate in regular reconciliation that is available through St. Mary-St. Paul Parish.
Sacramental Preparation
St. Mary prepares our 2nd-grade students for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion as part of the 2nd-grade religion curriculum. Confirmation is part of the 8th-grade curriculum with specific classes that are held by the pastor. These have been on Sunday evenings in the past.
PALS Program
Peaceful and Loving Students (PALS) is an opportunity for the 8th-grade students to lead small groups of students in special programs. Preschool – 8th-grade students are arranged into cross-grade groups and meet about once a month. The PALS groups have special projects that help others.